The Benefits Of Thigh Lift Surgery

thigh lift surgery, what is a thigh lift, thigh lift,

If you live in Florida, you know all too well how ridiculously hot it gets for what’s really the majority of the year. Therefore, wearing shorts, sundresses, or anything else that liberates your skin as much as possible is a near-must.

Unfortunately though, that doesn’t solve matters completely. Sure, your legs are free to breath, but your thighs — well, they’re free to rub. Not only that, but for those of us whose thighs are a little thicker, (or not rock-solid), shorts also tend to display what we like to call our “problem areas.” For most people, that’s the inner thighs, which are extremely difficult to tone, even with diet and exercise.

Fortunately, there’s an easy way to get the look you want for your thighs, and relieve a bit of the friction. Here are some of the biggest benefits you’ll experience when you undergo a thigh lift surgery.

What Is A Thigh Lift?

Thigh lift surgery - or thighplasty - aims to remove excess skin, fat, and tissue from the thighs to reveal a fitter, more toned appearance. This procedure is popular in patients who have lost large amounts of weight and now struggle with loose skin on their bodies. Many patients choose to have a thigh lift procedure done along with an arm lift, or a body contouring treatment.

Thigh Lift Benefits

After bariatric surgery or weight loss through diet and exercise, many people become self-conscious about their excess skin. This insecurity impedes people from enjoying life after weight loss, but thankfully thigh lift surgery provides the opportunity to swiftly and easily deal with this problem. Additionally, thigh lift procedures can also target undesired cellulite in a patient’s thighs.

Thigh Lift Candidacy

Popular reasons for undergoing a thigh lift procedure are:

  • If you have cellulite on your thighs

  • If you are self-conscious about your thighs

  • If you have sagging skin on your thighs

  • If you have recently lost weight and have excess skin on your thighs.

  • Fatty deposits in your thighs do not respond to diet and exercise

As with all plastic surgery procedures, the decision to get a thigh lift should be a personal one, not motivated by other people or their opinions. It is also important that a good candidate for thigh lift surgery is someone in good health. If you are healthy and wish to eliminate stubborn, fatty areas in and around your thighs, then a thigh lift surgery may be the perfect procedure for you.

More Information

If you live in or around the Orlando, Florida area and think a thigh lift procedure would be right for you, then you can visit HZ Plastic Surgery, or schedule a consultation with our board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Z.

Dr. Z and his staff are experienced and highly trained. They can accommodate your needs for almost any cosmetic procedure and can help you get the fitter, more toned legs you desire.