Tummy Tuck Or Liposuction: How Do I Know Which Is Right For Me?

Many patients ask us, “Do I need a tummy tuck or liposuction?” when it comes to figuring out how to achieve a flat, smooth midsection. There are a variety of factors that determine if a tummy tuck or liposuction (or both!) is required to achieve your dream results. Let’s discuss the basics you should understand when considering a tummy tuck vs liposuction with our plastic surgeon, Dr. Lyly!

Should I get liposuction?

If you do not have any muscle separation, have tight skin, and no skin laxity... then liposuction may be right for you.

✅ Remove unwanted fat
❌ Repair separated muscles
❌ Remove loose or sagging skin

Should I get a tummy tuck?

If you have muscle separation, skin laxity, or sagging skin... then a tummy tuck may be right for you.

✅ Remove unwanted fat
✅ Repair separated muscles
✅ Remove loose or sagging skin

There are also some cases where a tummy tuck AND liposuction may be the best surgical plan to achieve your dream results. Depending on how much fat needs to be removed, your plastic surgeon may recommend staging your procedures or performing them separately about 6 months apart.

However, the only way to know for sure if you should get a tummy tuck or liposuction is to receive an evaluation with your preferred plastic surgeon! If you'd like to book a virtual or in-person consultation with our team, call us at (407) 377-5438 or fill out our online form here. Our office is located in Orlando, FL but we help patients all across the globe! We are here if you need us.