How Long After Breastfeeding Can I Get A Breast Augmentation?

It’s well known that pregnancy can change the way your body looks as you are undergoing a variety of changes to make room for your beautiful baby. For those planning on breastfeeding their baby and wondering, “How long after breastfeeding can I get a breast augmentation?” Let’s discuss getting a breast augmentation after breastfeeding further with Dr. Lyly, our female plastic surgeon at HZ Plastic Surgery in Orlando, FL.

So, how long after breastfeeding can I get a breast augmentation?

𝐒𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐭 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫:

✅ We recommend waiting 6 months after breastfeeding before undergoing any plastic surgery on your breasts.

𝐋𝐨𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐧𝐬𝐰𝐞𝐫:

While breastfeeding, your breast size and shape can fluctuate and you may experience sagging or drooping. Once you are completely finished breastfeeding and your breasts have officially "settled" after 6 months, your plastic surgeon will then be able to evaluate you and determine a surgical plan that can achieve your goals! By waiting for your breasts to fully settle, you can achieve the best possible results because your surgical plan is tailored appropriately.

Potential breast surgery after breastfeeding:

Only a plastic surgeon will be able to appropriately tailor a surgical plan to your specific body and goals during a consultation after evaluating you. However, here are a few procedures that are commonly used to address the breasts after breastfeeding:

We also highly recommend waiting at least 6 months after breastfeeding because you may be perfectly happy with the way your breasts settle! However, if you are unhappy with the “settled” look and would like to discuss your options, we are here for you ❤️

How Long After Breastfeeding Can I Get A Breast Augmentation, breast augmentation after breastfeeding

Breast lift with implants by Dr. Ashkan Afshari

How Long After Breastfeeding Can I Get A Breast Augmentation, breast augmentation after breastfeeding

Breast lift with implants by Dr. Ashkan Afshari

If you’re interested in booking a consultation with one of our talented breast plastic surgeons in Orlando, FL, we offer both virtual and in-person consultations where you will receive an evaluation, discuss your goals, ask any questions you may have, and then receive an exact quote along with financing information. To book your consultation, call us at (407) 377-5438 or fill out our online form here and a patient concierge will be in contact with you.