Non-Invasive Options

At HZ Plastic Surgery, we provide our patients with non-invasive treatments to address their unique concerns. Click on any procedure below to learn more about it.



Treat and prevent facial fine lines and wrinkles up to 3-6 months


Treat and prevent facial fine lines and wrinkles up to 3-6 months

Juvederm Collection

Add volume to your lips and cheeks or smooth facial wrinkles with our Juvederm Collection: Ultra, Ultra Plus, Voluma, Volbella, and Vollure


Eliminate your β€œdouble chin” by destroying fat cells


Combat volume loss and reduce the appearance of veins and tendons in the back of your hands


Restylane Collection

Add volume to your lips and cheeks or smooth facial wrinkles with our Restylane Collection: Restylane Refyne, Restylane Defyne, Restylane Silk, and Restylane Lyft


Reduce the appearance of spider veins


Smooth moderate to severe wrinkles by increasing your natural collagen production.