How To Get Rid Of Double Chin: Kybella To The Rescue

Kybella, How to get rid of a double chin, double chin removal, what is kybella, how long does kybella last, how do I get rid of a double chin, how do I get rid of my double chin, Kybella Orlando, plastic surgery Orlando, double chin removal Orlando,…

Everyone wants to look their best! For many of us, however, that can sometimes be challenging when you have an issue that you cannot control, such as a double chin. Thankfully, Kybella can fix your double chin and restore your confidence— without surgery.

How To Get Rid Of A Double Chin

As we age, facial muscles and skin start to lose their firmness, and one of the results may be a double chin. A double chin is sagging skin or an extra layer of fat beneath your chin. If you carry extra weight it is common for fat deposits to collect in this area.

There are various double chin removal methods, which may include some specific exercises, weight loss, and even surgery. However, there is also a non-surgical approach with outstanding results: it’s named Kybella. 

What Is Kybella? 

Kybella is an FDA-approved injection that dissolves fat cells to eliminate the appearance of a double chin. The injection (called deoxycholic acid) mimics that of a naturally occurring substance in the human body that destroys fat cells. Kybella is the only FDA-approved, non-surgical option for eliminating a double chin. 

How Long Does Kybella Last?

Kybella requires multiple sessions in order to start seeing results. However, as every patient is unique, the exact number of sessions needed will vary based on your case. Kybella treatments are always scheduled at least one month apart and you should not receive more than 6 treatments. Once fat cells have been destroyed by treatment, they will no longer be able to store fat. You shouldn't need any other surgeries or injections after your Kybella treatment.

Kybella, How to get rid of a double chin, double chin removal, what is kybella, how long does kybella last, how do I get rid of a double chin, how do I get rid of my double chin, Kybella Orlando, plastic surgery Orlando, double chin removal Orlando,…

Before Kybella

Kybella, How to get rid of a double chin, double chin removal, what is kybella, how long does kybella last, how do I get rid of a double chin, how do I get rid of my double chin, Kybella Orlando, plastic surgery Orlando, double chin removal Orlando,…

After 3 Treatments (6 Vials)

You can check out Kybella before and afters on our website. If you’re interested in Kybella treatment, call our team at (407) 377-5438 or fill out our online form here to book a consultation! We look forward to chatting with you.