How Much Fat Can Be Removed With Liposuction

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It happens all of the time. A patient comes into the office for their liposuction consultation and starts talking about how they want to shed 20 pounds of fat and get back to their former “glory days” weight. Liposuction is an incredible procedure for patients who are looking to get rid of excess fat, particularly stubborn fat that doesn’t respond to diet or weight loss. However, many people don’t realize that there are limitations when it comes to the procedure. One of the biggest ones? How much fat can safely be removed during liposuction. 

What Is Liposuction?

Liposuction is a cosmetic surgery that removes fat from your stomach, thighs, hips, buttocks, arms, back, and even your chin or face. Typically liposuction is performed on excess fat that cannot be removed through diet or exercise, but it can be used in other cases as well. Liposuction is performed by a plastic surgeon who specializes in this type of procedure. It may also be performed in conjunction with other plastic surgery procedures such as a tummy tuck, body lift, or brazilian butt lift for enhanced results. 

What Happens During Liposuction?

Liposuction is generally an outpatient procedure, and you will return home the day you have it done. Your plastic surgeon may perform the surgery right in their offices, at a particular facility, or even at the hospital. A few different types of liposuction exist, and you and your plastic surgeon can discuss which method is best for you based on your aesthetic goals. 

On the day of your surgery, the surgeon will mark the areas to be treated with a marker. They may also photograph the area for before and after pictures! Depending on what you and your doctor decide, you may have a local anesthetic or be put out using general anesthesia. Before the doctor uses a wand to suction out the fat, they may use one of a few different liquifying methods so they can remove it easily. 

After the procedure, patients may experience some swelling and bruising. You may need to take antibiotics to prevent infection, but you should be able to return to work after a few days and resume regular activity within two weeks. 

How Much Fat Can Be Removed During Liposuction?

There are strict limits on how much fat can be removed during a single liposuction session. The maximum amount is six to eight pounds (6000 ml), but in many cases based on the patient’s specific body composition your plastic surgeon may remove less. Any more than that and the patient may be at risk of some serious complications such as:

  • Lumps or hollows in the skin where too much fat was removed

  • Higher risk of infection

  • Blood clots

  • Fat entering the bloodstream and causing damage

  • Shock

  • An excess of fluid build-up that results in breathing problems

  • An adverse reaction to anesthesia

  • Hematoma or seroma

It’s important to remember that liposuction is not about weight loss, it’s about body contouring to sculpt your figure into a shape that you desire. It isn’t necessarily about how many pounds of fat your plastic surgeon removes, but rather how they perform the procedure in a way to naturally sculpt your body and achieve your desired results. If you remove too much at once, your recovery time may also be longer and more complicated.

If you are interested in more extreme results, you can schedule multiple sessions to safely remove the excess fat over time. You can discuss how best to achieve your goals with your plastic surgeon during your initial consultation and determine whether you should combine liposuction with another type of surgery. 

Where To Get Liposuction In Orlando

If you are ready to schedule your liposuction in Orlando, call HZ Plastic Surgery today to schedule your consultation with our Chief Plastic Surgeon, Dr. Z.