Posts tagged blepharoplasty surgery
What Can Blepharoplasty Be Used to Treat

Over the years, our skin starts to lose its elasticity and begins to sag. On our faces, sagging eyelids end up giving many a baggy, tired-looking appearance. Some simply live with it. Some can fight it off with a touch of makeup. Others may turn to any number of tricks to hide their bags. But for those who don’t want to resort to wearing sunglasses at all times, we recommend looking into blepharoplasty.

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5 Blepharoplasty Surgery Myths Unmasked

A blepharoplasty, which is commonly referred to as an eyelid surgery, or an eyelid lift surgery, is a great fit for anyone who has and/or is self conscious about permanent bags under the eyes, excess eyelid skin, a tired or drooping gaze. Unfortunately, the procedure carries a few myths and misconceptions that often dissuades people from even considering the option. That is why we wanted to take some time to lay out these myths so that we can dispel them once and for all.

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5 Eyelid Surgery Recovery Tips

Recovering from an eyelid surgery is a little unlike the recovery process for other plastic surgeries, mainly regarding the length of the recovery period and the unique aspects of the procedure. Whereas for most procedures, recovery involves relaxing and watching TV, a blepharoplasty recovery is a tad more challenging. Here’s everything you need to know about how to get through the eyelid surgery recovery process:

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