Posts tagged brazilian butt lift surgery
Plastic Surgery 101: Reconstructive Surgery Vs. Cosmetic Surgery

In the world of plastic surgery, many don’t realize that there are two different types of plastic surgery: cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. So, we wanted to clear the air and explain the differences between cosmetic surgery and reconstructive surgery. While they do hold some basic similarities, such as improving a person’s body in one way or another, the two kinds of plastic surgery are differ largely in the reasons behind these improvements.

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What You Really Need To Know About Brazilian Butt Lifts

Part of why the Brazilian butt lift is so popular is because it is an easy procedure that only requires small incisions and reveals very effective results. The objective behind the butt lift is to add volume, contour, and perkiness to a patient’s buttocks. This is accomplished either through fat transfer or implants. Oftentimes a surgeon will liposuction unwanted fat from other areas of the body, purify the fat, and then insert it into the buttock.

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